The English Rock Band The Who, formerly united as The Detours, has been performing since the early 1960s. The original members Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, John Entwistle, and Keith Moon got together in London while attending the same school. The band was successful before playing at Woodstock, but their performance at the iconic event helped to solidify them as international rock and roll stars. They are credited not only with an impressive song book, but also for their contributions to Rock & Roll in many aspects, but most notably the development of the Marshall Stack, large PA systems, and the Rock Opera. Keith Moon died in 1978 at the age of 32 of a drug overdose, and John Entwistle died of a heart attack in 2002. The surviving members Roger and Pete still perform with replacement musicians to round out the band, and will be on the Moving On! Tour in late spring of 2019 and have also announced the release of a new album. You can find out more about dates and tickets for the tour here. Read one of our prior posts on the band to learn more about their history here.